sharp_carpet cleaning omahaCarpet tiles are not a new concept. However, the reason many Omaha homeowners are talking about them is because they’ve seen a resurgence in popularity. A big part of why many homeowners are thinking about carpet tiles for their home or have already added them is because they provide a lot of design flexibility. For a very reasonable cost, homeowners can easily give any room a new type of look.

Since carpet tiles are being utilized in more homes, Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning has received quite a few questions about how to maintain them. While we’re always happy to communicate with Omaha homeowners by phone or email, we thought it would be helpful to put together a comprehensive post on this topic.

4 Reasons to Consider Carpet Tiles

Before we dive into the subject of maintenance, we want to cover the exact reasons that people should consider carpet tiles for their homes. The first benefit is they’re very easy to install. The second is that it’s easy to move tiles. This benefit can be ideal for anyone who’s renting a home.

The third benefit is that carpet tiles are very comfortable. If there’s an uncarpeted space in your home that you hate walking on during the cold winter months, carpet tiles can eliminate this problem for good. Finally, it’s not difficult to properly maintain them.

Now that we’ve covered why carpet tiles are a great choice, let’s move right into the best way to clean them.

The Most Effective Way to Clean Carpet Tiles

While these tiles are relatively easy to maintain, they are still made from carpet. That means if something is dropped on them or they’re consistently exposed to a lot of dirt, the spots or stains left behind aren’t magically going to disappear. Instead, it’s important to take the right approach to cleaning them.

Since individual carpet tiles can be discarded and then replaced with another one, there are situations where it may make the most sense to go down that route. However, it’s often more cost-effective to clean them. Not only can quality cleaning get rid of spots and stains, but it can also eliminate things like dust and dander that are buried deep in the carpet’s fibers.

At Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning, we use hot water extraction to clean carpet tiles. This is the same process we use for standard carpet cleaning. A key benefit of this method is it goes deep into carpet and eliminates everything that may be there. The result is carpet that’s completely clear of both visible and invisible debris.

Professional Carpet Cleaning for Carpet Tile is Just a Call Away

Not only do home carpet cleaning products fail to leave carpet truly clean, but they can also cause additional damage like discoloration. If you want to ensure that the carpet tiles in your Omaha home are cleaned the right way, you need Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning’s extensive experience and top of the line equipment.

Call us today at (402) 551-9949 to schedule a convenient time for your professional carpet tile cleaning.

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