Omaha carpet cleaning_eco-friendlyIf you make a conscious effort to do your part to help the environment whenever possible, you may be concerned that spot Omaha carpet cleaning isn’t compatible with that type of philosophy. While it’s definitely true that certain forms of carpet cleaning are anything but good for the environment, that doesn’t have to be the case. Helping you handle spot cleaning in an eco-friendly manner is why Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning put together the following information.

What is Spot Carpet Cleaning?

Before we jump into addressing how you can handle spot carpet cleaning in a environmentally friendly manner, it’s worth clarifying exactly what’s meant by the term spot carpet cleaning. Simply put, this term refers to removing small spots from your carpet. Whether it’s a dirt, grease or pet stain spot, this approach to cleaning isn’t going to revive carpet that looks dull and worn-out.

However, what spot cleaning is very useful for is keeping your carpet in the best shape possible in between professional cleanings. And since Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning wants you to get as much as possible out of your professional cleanings, we want you to know the best way to take care of small spots on your otherwise clean carpet.

Don’t Use Cleaning Products for Spot Omaha Carpet Cleaning

Since you care about being a responsible citizen of the earth, we want to make it clear that DIY carpet cleaning products are packed with chemicals which are harmful to the environment. Not only can the products you’ll find on store shelves cause damage to the environment, but they can also be a direct health hazard if pets or children are exposed to these chemicals.

Because there are so many potential downsides to using commercial carpet products, the good news is there is a better way to handle spot Omaha carpet cleaning. In fact, there are several natural strategies you can use to deal with unwanted spots on your carpet.

Simple, Natural and Effective Ways to Eliminate Carpet Spots

If the goal of your Omaha carpet cleaning is to get rid of a small grease spot, the solution that Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning recommends is to use a small amount of corn starch. If the spot you’re dealing with looks dingy as a result of a different staining substance, you should be able to restore it by using 1 part Borax and 2 parts cornmeal.

Another way that you can reduce your need for carpet cleaning of any type is to have everyone take off their shoes before walking around inside. While this isn’t a cleaning approach, it is a preventative strategy. Just keep in mind that since bare feet will track natural oils across carpet, wearing slippers or socks is the best option.

Get Professional Help from a Trusted Local Company

The best way to work with a partner that cares just as much about the city of Omaha as you do is to give us a call. By booking a professional cleaning with our expert team, you can ensure that your carpet will look its best. All you have to do to set up an appointment is call us at (402) 551-9949.

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